About Evie

Hi, I'm Evie.

For however brief a moment, I thought I could tackle one of those third-person bios, but those are rather difficult to concoct. I'll leave that for the future published author named Evie. If you haven't already guessed, I write things. In the querying stages, I am. Finally at the point where I can hug rejection and then send it off to bug someone else. It's cheesy, but I won't give up, mon amies.

Here's a majestic photo of me in Vancouver. Peering off into the distance all, "You can make it, Evie. You can dooooo it."

That really wasn't what I was saying, but it fits pretty well.

Anyhow, books are my one true love. I even have my own little library to prove it, though the shelves are already full and God knows where I'm fixin' to put all the rest of the books I'll buy this year. Reading and writing are my escapes. There's something magical about cuddling in a chair with someone else's story, and something even more magical about sitting at a computer screen and creating (and sometimes destroying) someone else's story.

Outside of my life buried in books, I can usually be found working and working and working, as most of us super rockin' young adults do, or swimming in my new, not-so-fancy-but-relatively-awesome pool, or seeing how much coding I can learn on this little blog site, or watching Disney movies, or searching (and not necessarily watching) Netflix, or stuffing my face with pizza and ice cream with the bestie. When I can, I travel, as it is my third love after reading and writing. I'm always planning a trip; there are at least twenty itineraries saved on my computer from just the past couple of months.

I also spend way too much time spoiling my lil chunky monkey poopy poo (aka, Snickers, the Bichon Frise) and chasing after my insane Bengal cat, Dexter, who also loves books, my laptop, and staring longingly outside. It's like we were made for each other.

Other important, or perhaps not incredibly important, facts about me:

I have a tortoise (he and Dexter have a love/hate relationship). I like reading en français. Butterflies always make me smile. Rainy days are lovely. I have an unnatural obsession with Titanic. Literally everything about that piece of history is fascinating to me.

I'm a Misophonia sufferer. That whole "hatred of sound" thing, when really it should be, "I want to kill you for making that normal sound." Because I do, I want to strangle you for tapping your fingers.

As much as I love to read and write, I struggle deeply with spelling and comprehension. It's something I've worked on for years, but not as much as working through my anxiety disorders (GAD and OCD). Recently I learned to eat Sweetarts without separating by color. Seriously, it's amazing. Who knew different flavors could taste so well together. It's like magic. I've still got a long, long, longggg way to go, but damn, I've come a long way already.

And most importantly, I always dip Wendy's french fries in my chocolate Frosty. It's vital to my well-being.

Thanks for stopping by! Drop a comment, say hello, share your writing dreams or fellow book obsessions. New friends are the best.

Evie Jay

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